
Showing posts from July, 2023

Automation in IC Design is Draining Analog Designers Out

The landscape of analog design is rapidly changing with the introduction of automation and advanced tools. While automation promises increased efficiency and productivity, it also presents challenges for analog designers, draining them both creatively and professionally. In this blog, I try to explore the impact of the energized imagination and the introduction of automation on analog designers and highlight some strategies to mitigate their draining effects. Analog designers tend to have energized imagination professionally. Analog design requires a high level of creativity and imagination. They envision and craft intricate circuitry that meets performance, power, and size constraints. This energized imagination fuels their ability to come up with innovative solutions, think outside the box, and tackle complex challenges. However, there is a possibility that the reliance on an analog designer's imagination can diminish, resulting in potential drawbacks with the introduction of aut...

UGC in India drops mandatory PhD provision for assistant professors to be recruited

Recently Govt. of India announced to establish a National Research Foundation (NRF) as a funding body for research and development (R&D) in the country. The purpose of this is to provide financial support for scientific research across various disciplines, promote collaboration between academia and industry, and foster innovation. It also emphasized on democratizing the funding allocation  and research funding landscape in India, enhance the quality and quantity of research output, and encourage the pursuit of cutting-edge research [source: weblink ].